"My value is not in what I did, but rather what I can do."


Obviously, I’m kidding but not completely as I was guilty of this myself because let’s be honest: 90% of the “Life Coaches” out there’s greatest success in life is…well; being life coaches. So, I was turned off by the term, the practice and quite frankly the entire “self-help” industry.

I called it Greyman as I didn’t want it to be a brand that was just me. Don’t get me wrong Tony Robbins is amazing, but I know that at some point with any brand you need to be able to expand and I wanted the ability to be able to bring other great coaches on board. What the term means to me is that nothing is black or white which in today’s society and climate is a bold statement. Greyman is independent of the crowd yet a part of it. It is being a strong individual while at the same time not asking for attention. Being a Greyman is blending in while being able to standout. It is a flux, a contradiction, a flow state.
Book a discovery session with me now and let’s chat.





You need to be held accountable for your actions or your lack thereof by someone you respect. A lot of people don't realize this last part, but it is the most important part. If you don’t respect the person holding you accountable: you won’t hold yourself accountable to them. If you choose to work with me, obviously you respect me because you believe that I can help you get the results you want. I have a bu9isness mentor and because I respect him there are massive stakes when I give him my word, I’ll do something because I don’t want to let him down. That accountability is all based on the stakes I give myself because I respect him. Accountability must have mutual respect or it won’t work, period.


Definition: “The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way”. This is possibly the most overused word when it comes to attaining goals and so I wrote the definition above. The key take- away from the definition is: You can’t be motivated without reasons. The next time you read a motivational quote, or someone tries to motivate you think or ask: “why”. Why does this or why should this motivate me? If there is no “why” then there is no real motivation. There are many coaches, self-help books and other programs out there that will have you super motivated initially, but it then quickly fades and nothing in your life changes. Why? Exactly, they didn’t give you the reasons, the why or more than likely: they didn’t provide an environment and framework for you to discover yours for yourself. I will provide motivation by us together discovering your reasons for why you want what you want. I will then give you the structure and hold you accountable for your reasons reminding you of your “why.” That is how you motivate, anything less is simply hype that will fade leaving you more discouraged than before.


I will provide you the structure to get to any desired goal whether you know what you want but don't know where to start or you don't even know what you want at all. I have been in both of those places. I remember one day sitting there and knowing I was capable of more in life, but I didn’t know what it was and even if I did, I would have had no idea of how to get there. I will give you the structure to get to any goal and working together we will go step by step by the numbers.

Why should you give Greyman a try?

Well first and obviously: because I guarantee results. Anyone who signs up for a program has a 100% satisfaction guarantee after 1 year. Why 1 year and not 1 month? Simply put results take time. Why am I willing to offer this guarantee Because I have already done the program; it’s what I used to get where I am now, so I know it works. I am setting up the structure all I need from you is the effort. If were the type not willing to put in the effort, I don’t honestly think you would be reading this right now.


“How can I get back to who and what I used to be?”

Chad R.

“Why do I feel like I’m not living up to my full potential.”

Jared S.

“How can I stop procrastinating as well as finish what I start?”

Tommy B.

“Why am I so comfortable in when things are miserable and why can’t I be happy when things are going good.”

Jeremy H.

“I’m just not myself but I can’t figure out the reason. Why can’t I figure out what is wrong with me.”

Sherman T.

“Why does every relationship I get in fail?”

Chris M.

"You can only manifest what you feel you deserve."